Standing In Solidarity

To Our Community,

Our team at Aldebaran Recruiting is here, listening, taking action, and standing in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We are aware that Black People, and all People of Color, are impacted daily, and generationally, by social, economic, political, criminal justice, and environmental injustices.

We strongly stand against racism, white nationalism, and any form of discrimination. We stand firmly that these systems of thought need to be fundamentally removed from our society and world.

There are long-standing faults in the make-up of our society and culture, and we are heartbroken and outraged by the continual acts of violence, discrimination, and racism. In the coming weeks, our team will be taking time to reflect on how we can further take actions against racism and how we can do better. Our goal is to support this movement, provide resources, and remain open to learning.

We are committed to justice for all, and we are looking at how we can do better in taking a stand and making a difference. We will continue to work and fight for equality for all, and to not turn our heads in apathy.

We know we can do better and we are reflecting as a company on how we can be more aware of both subtle and overt acts of racism and how we can do our part to attempt to dismantle racism within our surroundings.

Here are some ways we can all start taking some steps moving forward:

Donate to organizations who are supporting this movement:

Black Lives Matter


Color of Change

The George Floyd Memorial Fund

Shop at black owned businesses at the Black Wall Street Directory.

Read about history and what we can do to impact change:

White Fragility; Why It’s So Hard for White people to Talk About Racism, by Robin Diangelo

So You Want to Talk About Race, by ljeoma Oluo

An Indigenous’ People’s History of the United States, by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

Vote for candidates working against racism and for equality. Take time to look at the policies of Black candidates who are running for elected office in 2020.


The Aldebaran Recruiting Team