Job Market Tips For Employers And Job Seekers

Lance here today shooting a quick video with tips for success for both Employers and Job Seekers in this hot summer job market.

For Employers:

If you are an Employer looking to add to your team, its important to take a few simple steps to make sure you have a competitive edge in the current candidate driven market.
It’s important that you find a way to have a proactive outbound recruiting strategy. The number one HR complaint across Employers in 2018 is a tremendous lack of quality of resumes coming from online job boards. It’s very likely the right talent for your organization will not find you alone. It’s imperative you have someone on your team headhunting for you – either an internal employee or a qualified headhunting agency.
In the current market, which is certainly candidate driven, it’s critical that your interview process is streamlined and effective. If your process is slow, or unorganized, you really do risk losing great candidates to your competition.

For Job Seekers:

For you job seekers out there, my best advice is to make sure you are doing due diligence when interviewing. There is too much of a tend of “job hopping” starting to show up, and this is a major turn off for 9/10 prospective Employers. Be smart about how you manage your career.
It’s important you do everything you can to stand out in the crowd as well.
-Have an impeccable and well crafted resume,
-exude professionalism in all communications (email, phone, in person, etc.),
-do sufficient prep work for all interviews,
-always let your enthusiasm and excitement for the job come across,
-always follow up with interviewers with a thank you email,
-be on time for everything!
-always be asking yourself the question: How can I stand out in the crowd?
Hopefully you all find this video useful!